= instant in time, point, time, moment.
Ex: This should suffice to guarantee the integrity of the catalog at any given instant in time.
Ex: The online catalog will then contain information about periodical issues from that point.
Ex: Because reorganisation allows the optimization of update and searching procedures, it moves the maintenance to a time when it does not affect the operation of the system.
Ex: There were moments when he could be almost affectionate, moments when his thoughts did not seem to be turned inward upon his own anxious solicitudes.
* alcanzar el momento cumbre = reach + summit.
* alcanzar su mejor momento = peak.
* alcanzar su mejor momento demasiado pronto = peak + too early.
* al momento = while-you-wait [while-u-wait].
* a partir de ese momento = from that moment on.
* a partir de este momento = hereinafter.
* aprovechar el momento = catch + the moment.
* atravesando momentos difíciles = beleaguered.
* capturar el momento = catch + the moment.
* del momento = of the time(s).
* desde aquel momento = ever after.
* desde el primer momento = from the word go, from the word get-go.
* desde ese momento = from that point, ever after.
* detenerse por un momento = pause.
* de último momento = last minute [last-minute].
* de un momento a otro = momentarily, at any moment.
* el momento preciso = the point in time at which.
* el + Nombre + correcto al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento oportuno = the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
* el sitio adecuado en el momento adecuado = the right place at the right time.
* en algún momento = somewhere along the line, sometime, at sometime, at some point, at some point in time, at one time or another.
* en aquel momento = at the time, the then + Nombre, by this time, at that time.
* en cualquier momento = anytime, at any one time, at any point, at any point in time, at any time, at any moment, at any given point, at any moment in time, at any given moment, momentarily.
* en cualquier momento en el futuro = at some stage.
* en cualquier otro momento = some other time.
* en diferentes momentos = at various times, at different times.
* en distintos momentos = at different times, at various times.
* en el mejor momento de Uno = at + Posesivo + (very) best.
* en el momento = on the spot.
* en el momento actual = in this day and age, at the present time.
* en el momento adecuado = at the right time.
* en el momento de = at the time (that/of).
* en el momento de escribir estas líneas = at the time of writing.
* en el momento de la impresión = at the time of going to print.
* en el momento en que se necesita = at the point-of-need, at the point of use, point of use.
* en el momento en que + Subjuntivo = the moment + Verbo.
* en el momento justo = on cue.
* en el momento más débil de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
* en el momento oportuno = at the right time.
* en el momento peor de Alguien = at + Posesivo + weakest.
* en el último momento = at the eleventh hour, at the very last minute, at the very last moment, at the very last, at the last minute.
* en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
* en ese momento = at that point, at this point, at that time, just then.
* en este momento = at this point, at this stage, at this juncture, at this time, at this moment in time.
* en ningún momento = at no time, anywhere along the line.
* en otro momento = some other time.
* en qué momento = at what point.
* en su debido momento = in due time.
* en su mejor momento = at + Posesivo + peak.
* en su momento = in timely fashion.
* en su momento álgido = at + Posesivo + peak.
* en todo momento = at all times, at every instant, every step of the way, throughout, at every turn, day in and day out, at all hours.
* en un determinado momento = at one point.
* en un momento = in a time, in a flash.
* en un momento concreto = at a particular point in time, at a particular point in time.
* en un momento dado = at a given point in time, at any one time, at any given point, at one particular time, at any given time, at any given moment, at a given moment in time, at a given moment.
* en un momento de = at a time of, at one stage of.
* en un momento de apuro = if it comes to the crunch.
* en un momento de apuros = when push comes to shove, when it comes to the crunch, when the worst comes to the worst, if the worst comes to the worst.
* en un momento de cabreo = in the heat of the moment.
* en un momento de enfado = in the heat of the moment.
* en un momento de enojo = in the heat of the moment.
* en un momento determinado = on any one occasion.
* en un momento en el que = at a time when.
* en unos momentos = momentarily, at any moment.
* es el momento adecuado = the moment is ripe, the time is ripe.
* es el momento oportuno = the moment is ripe, the time is ripe.
* esperar su momento = wait in + the wings, stand in + the wings.
* estar en el sitio justo en el momento preciso = be on the spot.
* estar en un momento clave = be at a watershed.
* estar en un momento decisivo = be at a watershed.
* hace un momento = a moment ago.
* hace unos momentos = a few moments ago.
* hasta aquel momento = until that time.
* hasta el momento = as yet.
* hasta el momento de = up to the point of, to the point of.
* hasta el momento que = up to the point where, to the point where.
* hasta ese momento = up to that point.
* hasta este momento = up to this point.
* justo en ese momento = just then.
* llegado este momento = at this juncture, at this point.
* llegar a un momento importante en su historia = reach + milestone.
* llegar el momento en el que = reach + the point where.
* lograr el momento de = reach + point of.
* moda del momento = flavour of the month, sizzle.
* momento álgido = climax.
* momento apropiado para el aprendizaje, el = teachable moment, the.
* momento clave = watershed, turning point.
* momento clave del cambio = tipping point.
* momento crucial = turning point.
* momento decisivo = watershed, turning point.
* momento escogido = timing.
* momento + llegar = time + approach.
* momento oportuno = timing.
* momentos = moments.
* momentos álgidos = high.
* momentos bajos = low.
* momentos culminantes = highlights.
* momentos de presión = the heat is on.
* momentos de tensión = the heat is on.
* no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
* pensar un momento en = spare + a thought for.
* por el momento = for the time being, momentarily, at the moment.
* por un momento = for a moment.
* por unos momentos = for a few moments, for a short time.
* proporcionar el + Nombre + adecuado al + Nombre + adecuado en el momento ad = provide + the right + Nombre + to the right + Nombre + at the right time.
* salir un momento a = pop down to.
* ser el momento clave = mark + the watershed.
* ser el momento (de) = be the time to.
* ser el momento decisivo = mark + the watershed.
* ser el momento de = it + be + time to/for.
* un mejor momento = a better time.
* un momento determinado = a frozen moment in time, a given moment in time.